Register for Elementary FLVS Courses through MDVS
New Students
MyDistrict Virtual School (MDVS) is a franchise of FLVS. This means that your student will access the same online course work provided by FLVS but will be instructed by MyDistrict Virtual School teachers during the 180 days of the school year. While the full-time program does allow students to establish their own weekly schedule as to what day and time they complete schoolwork, students must achieve adequate weekly progress in order to continue virtual school as a full-time option. Required weekly progress is defined as 6% completion per class per week. Students not able to maintain the proper pace may be required to return to their zoned school.
You will see many references to FLVS, but please understand that you are taking courses through MDVS, your counties choice for virtual instruction.
Complete the Elementary Registration for MyDistrict Virtual School. Students should take the four core courses:
Students can choose to take up to two electives:
Elementary courses are broken into two parts - a first half (segment 1) and a second half (segment 2). Both segments make up a full year course. | |
Point your browser to this link. | |
Click on New Student button. | |
Since this is the first time you are enrolling a student in an Elementary course, choose No.
If you have previously enrolled a student before. Stop here and request the directions for Current Students. | |
Click on Select to indicate which type of school your student attends.
Choose Public School since you are registering through your local district. Even if you plan to work on your courses primarily at home, you are still a public-school student. | |
Choose the County that you live in. | |
Choose the School that your student will be assigned to.
If you are a full time student, this will most likely be the District Virtual Instruction Program. Please check with your school counselor to ensure your select the correct school. | |
Choose the Grade that your student is in.
| |
Select the date you would like your student to be enrolled in the course(s).
Placement will be made after course approval from a representative from the school you have indicated above.
After being placed in your course(s), your teacher will initiate a call with you and the student (within 24-48 hours). | |
Scroll down to the next section of the page. | |
Click the button under Select Course to indicate that you would like your student to take this course.
The Selected Segment automatically chooses Both Segments (Full Course). This is typically what most people choose. If your student only needs to take ½ of the year, you will choose either Segment One or Segment Two. |
Once you have selected all the courses you would like your student to take, click on the button Add Course(s) at the bottom of the page. | |
Please read through each statement that will provide guidance for you as the parent/guardian to help your student be successful in the online environment. There are links to documents that will provide additional information to you. | |
Complete the survey questions. | |
Review your course selections and when you are satisfied, click Continue Registration. | |
Complete all requested information to set up your parent account and a student account.
* This symbol indicates that the requested information is mandatory. | |
Complete the demographic information and click Save & Continue. | |
Confirm your entered information and click on Confirm & Continue. | |
Click on Submit Registration.
Enrollments will be created in the system but will still need to be approved by the district and then your student will be placed with a teacher.
Please be patient with this process. | |
Congratulations! We look forward to working with you as you |